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Adjustment mechanisms and intergenerational actuarial neutrality in pension reforms
Authors:Robert Meneu  Enrique Devesa  Mar Devesa  Inmaculada Domínguez  Borja Encinas
Affiliation:1. Department of Mathematics for Economics, University of Valencia, Spain;2. Department of Financial and Actuarial Economics, University of Valencia, Spain;3. Department of Financial Economics and Accounting, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
Abstract:In the context of the reform of defined benefit pension systems under population ageing, we focus on the introduction of automatic adjustment mechanisms linked to life expectancy. Our goal is to establish a relationship between changes in the key parameters of the pension system and changes in life expectancy, applying the principle of intergenerational actuarial neutrality. For a defined benefit pension scheme, we first obtain the fundamental adjustment equation and then, for particular cases, we derive different designs of automatic adjustment mechanisms depending on the involved parameter. We include a numerical application only for illustrative purposes.
Keywords:pension scheme  defined benefit plan  actuarial  life expectancy  Europe  international    gime de pension  systè  me à   prestations dé  finies  actuariel  espé  rance de vie  Europe  international    gimen de pensió  n  plan de prestació  n definida  actuarial  esperanza de vida  Europa  internacional  Rentensystem  Rentensystem mit garantierten Leistungen  versicherungsmathematisch  Lebenserwartung  Europa  international
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