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引用本文:杨俊梅. 元代书法的演变特点和原因[J]. 河南大学学报(社会科学版), 2007, 47(5)
摘    要:元代书法自成体系.其特点是赵孟頫开启"尚态"风格,影响了明清书风;继承了宋代"尚意"的人性化书风;诗书画印一体,以书写画、以画写书的画人书家辈出;章草的复兴丰富了草书的内容和表现能力.元代书法特点的形成与当时特有的语言环境、文化上的民族歧视等社会大环境有关.

关 键 词:元代书法  赵孟(頫)  尚态  尚意

The Evolvement of the Calligraphy of the Yuan Dynasty
YANG Jun-mei. The Evolvement of the Calligraphy of the Yuan Dynasty[J]. Journal of Henan University(Social Science), 2007, 47(5)
Authors:YANG Jun-mei
Abstract:The calligraphy of the Yuan Dynasty developed its own system. With the obvious form-esteem style started by the famous Zhao Mengfu, it inherited meaning-esteem of humanism style from the Song Dynasty. The renaissance of Zhangcao enriched the content and expressive skills of Caoshu, The forming of the natures of the calligraphic natures of the Yuan Dynasty was depended on the special language situation and was also related with the national discrimination in culture.
Keywords:calligraphy of Yuan Dynasty  Zhao Meng-fu  shape-upholding  meaning-upholding
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