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引用本文:刘学强. 锁定模型和企业集聚分析[J]. 南开管理评论, 2003, 6(1): 68-72
摘    要:集聚是指在特定的领域里相互联系的公司和机构在地理上的集中。近年来,全球制造业在向中国聚集的同时,制造业在我国各地并不是均衡发展,在空间上明显存在企业集聚现象,如深圳、东莞、江苏昆山、浙江嘉兴等地。本文主要从经济学角度,在对企业集聚现象进行一般理性分析基础上,利用锁定模型及现金流贴现模型进行模型分析,其中将影响投资决策的相关因素分解为显性的静态因素和隐性的动态因素。最后,本文认为当前各级地方政府在改变显性静态因素方面难以有较大差别情况下,不断改善隐性动态因素是地方政府在吸引投资项目和发展制造业应采取的主要措施。

关 键 词:集聚现象  锁定模型  现金流贴现模型

The Analysis of the Lock-in Model and the Enterprise Concentration
Liu Xueqiang. The Analysis of the Lock-in Model and the Enterprise Concentration[J]. Nankai Business Review, 2003, 6(1): 68-72
Authors:Liu Xueqiang
Affiliation:Liu Xueqiang
Abstract:Enterprise concentration here refers to the geographicalconcentration phenomenon of the interrelated companies and institutionsin specific fields or areas. In recent years, while the manufacturing firmsfrom different parts of the world flocked together in China, but thedistribution and development of the manufacturing industry in this countryis by no means evenly distributed, instead there exists strong signs ofenterprise concentration or clustering phenomenon geographically in suchregions as Shengzhen, Donguan, Kunshan of Jiangsu Province, andJiaxing of Zhejiang Province. The main purpose of this article is, fromeconomic perspective, to conduct general rational analysis of this kindof enterprise clustering, and then based on this analysis, using the lock-in model and discounted cash flow model to carry out further analysis inwhich the related key factors that affect the investment decisions aredivided into explicit static factors and implicit dynamic factors. Finally,the article concludes that while there exists very little difference for thedifferent levels of local governments in influencing and changing theexplicit static factors under present condition, the local governments couldattract investment projects and develop manufacturing industry bycontinuously improving the implicit dynamic factors as the majormeasures.
Keywords:Concentration Phenomenon  Lock-in Model  DiscountedCash Flow Model (DCF Model)
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