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引用本文:王桂新,黄颖钰. 中国省际人口迁移与东部地带的经济发展:1995~2000[J]. 人口研究, 2005, 29(1): 19-28
作者姓名:王桂新  黄颖钰
作者单位:1. 复旦大学人口研究所
2. 上海市浦东新区税务局
基金项目:国务院人口普查办公室第五次人口普查重点招标项目“改革开放以来中国省际人口迁移与经济发展互动关系的定量研究”,教育部“十五”规划项目《改革开放以来中国人口迁移模式研究 (批准号 :0 1JA840 0 1 0 )》资助。
摘    要:
本文主要考察了 1 995~ 2 0 0 0年间中国省际人口迁移与东部地带经济发展的关系 ,发现省际迁移人口 (外来劳动力 )已成为推动东部地带经济发展不可替代的重要因素。正是大量外来劳动力的迁入 ,弥补了东部地带本地劳动力供给的不足 ,推动东部地带的GDP增长了 1 0 %以上 ,对东部地带GDP增长的贡献度几乎达 1 5 %。而且在东部地带 ,越是省际人口迁移吸引中心 ,迁入人口规模越大 ,迁入的外来劳动力对推动迁入地经济发展的作用和贡献就越大。

关 键 词:东部地带  人口迁移  经济发展  贡献度

Inter-provincial Migration and Economic Development in East China: 1995 - 2000
Wang Guixin is professor,Population Institute of Fudan University, Huang Yingjue is master candidate in economics,Fudan University.. Inter-provincial Migration and Economic Development in East China: 1995 - 2000[J]. Population Research, 2005, 29(1): 19-28
Authors:Wang Guixin is professor  Population Institute of Fudan University   Huang Yingjue is master candidate in economics  Fudan University.
This paper examines the relationship between inter-provincial migration and economic development in East China over 1995-2000, having noted that inter-provincial migration (non-native labour force) has become a crucial factor driving economic development in East China. The massive labourers coming from other parts of China, by filling the gap in supply of the local labourers, contributed to GDP growth by 10%, or 15% of GDP increment in East China over 1995-2000. In East China, centers attracting more inter-provincial migration have greater shares of economic development from the non-native labourers.
Keywords:East China   Inter-provincial Migration   Economic Development.  
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