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引用本文:周南平,葛敏. 提高当前高校学生党员质量的对策研究[J]. 南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版), 2010, 12(4): 90-93
作者姓名:周南平  葛敏
摘    要:针对高校学生党员存在的对党的基本理论学习不够重视、入党动机多元化、理想信念不够坚定、先锋模范作用不明显的问题,在调查研究的基础上,对影响学生党员质量的原因进行剖析,提出高校应加快学生党员理论教育工作探索,加强学生党员入党动机的再教育,开展“知行统一”的理想信念教育,建立学生党员考评、监督机制。

关 键 词:高校;学生党员;质量;对策

Strategies to Improve the Quality of College Student Party Members
ZHOU Nan-ping,GE Min. Strategies to Improve the Quality of College Student Party Members[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science), 2010, 12(4): 90-93
Authors:ZHOU Nan-ping  GE Min
Abstract:The problems of college student party members include insufficient attention to the study of the Party''s basic theory, complicated motivations, unfirm ideals and beliefs, and undistinguished exemplary roles. This paper, based on a survey and research, analyzes the reasons that affect the quality of college student party members. It further suggests universities and colleges should accelerate theoretical education exploration for student party members, strengthen students'' motivation re education, carry out idealism education so that students practice what they preach, and establish evaluation and supervision mechanisms.
Keywords:universities and colleges   student party members   quality   strategy
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