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引用本文:张北根. 中国政府应付中国驻南斯拉夫大使馆被炸后的危机问题研究[J]. 北京科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2007, 23(3): 102-107
作者单位:北京科技大学 文法学院, 北京 100083
摘    要:l997年5月8日,以美国为首的北约悍然使用导弹袭击了我国驻南斯拉夫联盟共和国大使馆。我大使馆被炸后,中国政府采取了对付措施:要求以美国为首的北约道歉、惩凶、赔偿,承担全部责任;要求联合国安理会召开紧急会议,讨论和谴责以美国为首的北约的野蛮行径;采取一切措施抢救伤员,立即派专机前往贝尔格莱德,接回我有关人员;争取俄罗斯和国际社会的广泛同情和支持;肯定人民群众的爱国热情,争取人民群众的支持,引导人民群众将爱国的情绪转化为工作的动力,努力维护国家和社会的稳定。这些反危机措施取得了显著成果。 

关 键 词:中国政府   中国驻南斯拉夫大使馆被炸   反危机措施

Study on the Chinese Government's Measure in Coping with the Crisis of China's Embassy's Being Bombed
ZHANG Bei-gen. Study on the Chinese Government's Measure in Coping with the Crisis of China's Embassy's Being Bombed[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition), 2007, 23(3): 102-107
Authors:ZHANG Bei-gen
Affiliation:School of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract:Nato,led by the United States,attacked China's embassy in the Republic of yugosiavia on May 8,1997.The Chinese Government took some steps to copy with the crisis after the bomb: asking Nato with the head of the United States to apologize,punish the murderer and undertake the full respon sibility;asking the Security Council of the United Nations to have an emergency meeting to discuss and condemn the cruel actions of Nato with the head of the United States;taking all steps to rescue the wounded and send special planes to go to Balgrade to take back the staff;trying to get the sympathy of Russia and the international community;confirming the spirit of loving motherland,getting the people's support,asking the people to change the spirit to the power of work,trying to maintain the stability of state and society.All these measures had got good effects.
Keywords:Chinese Government  China's embassy's being bombed in the Republic of Yugoslavia  measures to copy with the crisis
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