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引用本文:张伟. 我国社会转型期道德权威的缺失分析[J]. 西南农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2008, 6(5)
摘    要:我国社会主义的改革开放,并没有完全使道德建设走上一条我们预期的健康的发展道路。道德出现了严重滑坡,道德权威缺失,原因在于,传统道德的严重破坏,建国以来社会主义道德建设并没有形成新的道德权威,革命道德的泛化与道德政治化对其生存土壤的严重破坏,对市场经济的误解,在唯经济增长论的泛滥与蔓延之后,政策上自然出现一手硬,一手软的局面,道德权威需要树立。

关 键 词:道德权威  革命道德  市场经济  官德失范

An Analysis of the Absence of Moral Authority in the Transformation Period of China
ZHANG Wei. An Analysis of the Absence of Moral Authority in the Transformation Period of China[J]. Journal of Southwest Agricultural University:Social Science Edition, 2008, 6(5)
Authors:ZHANG Wei
Abstract:The reform and open-up policies of our country have failed to lead our morality construction onto a healthy development road as we expected.Serious moral degeneration and moral Absence have occurred.The reasons lie in the serious damage to the traditional moral values and the failure of the socialist moral construction after the founding of the people's republic to form a new moral authority.The soil for the survival of morals suffers severe damage.The misunderstanding of market economy results in a situation in which one hand seems hard while the other soft in policy.The moral authority needs to be set up.
Keywords:moral authority  revolutionary moral  market economy  denormalization of official moral
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