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引用本文:周洪芳,王秀彦,邱晓飞,赵曙东. 开展"成长、成才、成功"主题教育切实加强大学生思想政治教育[J]. 东华理工学院学报, 2005, 24(4): 404-407
作者姓名:周洪芳  王秀彦  邱晓飞  赵曙东
摘    要:北京工业大学在学生中大力开展“成长、成才、成功”主题教育活动,时在新时期如何加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作的有效性方面作了积极的探索,提出促进学生全面发展是思想政治工作的根本任务。在“成长、成才、成功”主题教育中强调和贯穿“肯定学生在学生管理中的主体性”、“青定学生自我教育的功能”、“整合推进学生成长的各种教育资源,发挥教育合力效应”这样几个原则,取得了较好的实际效果。

关 键 词:成长  成才  成功  思想政治教育

Solidly Intensifying the Morality and Mentality Education through Subjected Movement of "3 Grow"
ZHOU Hong-fang,WANG Xiu-yan,QIU Xiao-fei,ZHAO Shu-dong. Solidly Intensifying the Morality and Mentality Education through Subjected Movement of "3 Grow"[J]. Journal of East China Institute of Technology, 2005, 24(4): 404-407
Authors:ZHOU Hong-fang  WANG Xiu-yan  QIU Xiao-fei  ZHAO Shu-dong
Abstract:Subjected as "Grow to be developed, grow to be talented, grow to be succeeded" , the education movement in Beijing Technology University actively explores the way in how to more effectively enhance and improve the education of mentality and politics to students in today' s new era, and points out that the root mission for mentality and politics education is to promote the comprehensive development of the students. Under the theme of "Grow to be developed, Grow to be talented, Grow to be succeeded" , the movement results in the substantial deliveries by adopting and reinforcing the principles of "acknowledging the students the main body of the student management" , "acknowledging the functionality of student self-education" , " synergizing all educating resources through students education as to demonstrate the effectiveness of synergized education" along the whole movement.
Keywords:Grow to be developed    Grow to be talented   Grow to be succeeded   mentality and politics education
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