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The Quality of Urban Environments in the Brazilian Amazon
Authors:Perz  Stephen G.
Affiliation:(1) Center for Latin American Studies and Department of Sociology, University of Florida, 319 Grinter Hall, P.O. Box 115530, Gainesville, FL, 32611-5530
In the Brazilian Amazon during the 1980s,urban population growth outstripped rural growth, andby 1991, most of the region's population resided inurban areas. Much of this urban growth involvedestablishment of unplanned housing with inadequateinfrastructure, which resulted in rising pollution. This paper compares indicators of environmentalquality in urban populations of the Amazon in 1980 and1991, and among different kinds of urban populationsin 1991. The results show that environmental qualityin the region deteriorated during the 1980s as theproduction of and exposure to environmental hazardsrose while resources to ward off hazards eroded. Thefindings also show that environmental quality wasparticularly poor in more rapidly growing urbancenters. The urban Amazon may not afford an adequatestandard of living and this may generate out-migrationfrom the region.
Keywords:Brazil  Amazon  urbanization  population  environmental quality
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