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The gift in interaction: a study of 'picking-up the bill'
Authors:Llewellyn Nick
Affiliation:Warwick Business School, University of Warwick. nick.llewellyn@wbs.ac.uk
Abstract:This paper analyses the phenomenon of 'picking up the bill', thereby contributing to a resurgence of sociological interest in gift exchange. Drawing on ethnomethodology, it describes and locates a distinctive theoretical approach. Utilizing video recordings, the analysis considers the interactional constitution of gifts and how gift exchange is locally invoked via the norm of reciprocity. Recurrent practices are described, through which gifts are brought into being, with reciprocity invoked, by benefactor and beneficiary alike, to manage social problems of acceptance, rather than to sanction insufficient contributions. The study describes the social character of what are perhaps the preeminent gifts exchanged in modern societies; where one person pays for another's consumption.
Keywords:Gift giving  gift exchange  the norm of reciprocity  ethnomethodology  conversation analysis  consumption
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