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异曲而同工 同途而殊归——屈原与韩非之比较
引用本文:杨玲. 异曲而同工 同途而殊归——屈原与韩非之比较[J]. 兰州大学学报(社会科学版), 2009, 37(1)
摘    要:屈原和韩非,两个看似无甚关联的历史人物,实则有诸多相似之处.譬如他们的身世:屈原是楚王的同宗,韩非作为韩国的诸公子,同样与韩王有宗亲关系.在人生际遇上,他们都忠诚爱国,却终其一生不得君王理解,无法施展抱负.其次,二者性格均呈现出矛盾的一面--极高寒的理想与极热烈的感情.其三,政治思想非常相似.韩非是先秦法家的集大成者.屈原的政治思想虽然比较复杂,但是其中法家因素显著.屈原和韩非的不同在于,虽然他们的人生均以悲剧谢幕,但是二者身后得到的评价却大相径庭.屈原成为中国文化中爱国的象征,韩非却与刻薄寡恩、专制、阴谋诡计等相伴.究其原因,后人对屈骚与<韩非子>的体认和评价是一个重要的因素.从中亦可看出民族文化和历史语境对文学作品传播与接受的影响.

关 键 词:屈原  韩非  先秦  屈骚  《韩非子》  接受

Different Approaches Leading to Equal Results While Same Routes Causing Different Outcome:A Comparison between QU Yuan and HAN Fei
YANG Ling. Different Approaches Leading to Equal Results While Same Routes Causing Different Outcome:A Comparison between QU Yuan and HAN Fei[J]. Journal of Lanzhor University(Social Sciences), 2009, 37(1)
Authors:YANG Ling
Affiliation:1;2;1.School of Literature and History;Northwest Normal University;Lanzhou 730070;2.School of Literature;Lanzhou City College;China
Abstract:It seems there is little connection between QU Yuan and HAN Fei,but actually there are quite some similarities between them.First of all,they both had noble family background:QU Yuan's family belonged to the same Clan of the King of the State of Chu while as a son of a feudal prince,HAN Fei was also a member of the same clan of the King of the State of Han.They were loyal to their country but couldn't get understood by their kings and actualize their aspirations.Secondly,there existed in their disposition a...
Keywords:QU Yuan  HAN Fei  pre-Qin period  QU Yuan's Sao-styled poem  The Book of Master HAN Fei  reception  
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