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引用本文:霍富强. 论期前违约制度及其立法完善[J]. 中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版), 2006, 0(2)
作者单位:中山大学法学院04级 法律硕士研究生
摘    要:按照英美法系的合同理论,合同违约包括实际违约和期前违约两种形态。期前违约的本质在于期前违约方侵害了对方的期待利益,对此合同相对方有权获得法律救济。我国《合同法》在继承不安抗辩权制度的同时也引进了期前违约制度,但对期前违约制度的规定却存在很多不足特别是在与不安抗辩权制度的协调上出现很多问题,因此有必要对我国《合同法》做出适当的修改。

关 键 词:期前违约  不安抗辩权  合同法  立法完善

Research on Anticipatory Breach of Contract and Its Legislative Perfection
Huo Fuqiang. Research on Anticipatory Breach of Contract and Its Legislative Perfection[J]. , 2006, 0(2)
Authors:Huo Fuqiang
Affiliation:Huo Fuqiang
Abstract:According to the contract theory of Common Law System,the breach of contract include actual breach and anticipatory breach. The essence of "anticipatory breach "lies in that the delinquent party jeopardizes the opposite party's interest in expentancy. And base on it,the opposite party has the right to gain legal remedy.China's contract law has introduced "Anticipatory Breach of Contract" while it inherited and developed "Precarious Defense" of Continental Law System.But there are many shortages in it especially about the harmony between Anticipatory Breach of Contract with Precarious Defense.It's necessary to make proper modifications about China's contract law.
Keywords:Anticipatory Breach of Contract Precarious Defense Contract Law Legislative Perfection
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