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引用本文:陈博. 从“大共同体”本位看秦制的遗害[J]. 西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2002, 0(2)
作者单位:西北大学文博学院 陕西西安710069
摘    要:
秦王朝所开创的“大共同体”一元化统治和压抑“小共同体”的专制集权模式 ,从表面上看对个性公民的成长具有积极意义。但实质上 ,小共同体的解体并非由公民个人权利的成长 ,而相反地是由大共同体的膨胀所致。而大共同体的膨胀既然连小共同体的存在都不容 ,就更无公民个人权利生长的余地了。这就使中国古代社会长期在权大于法、毫无民主可言的背景下运行 ,其遗害无疑是严重而深远的

关 键 词:秦制  “大共同体”本位  遗害

The Disadvantages of the Qin Dynasty System from the Aspect of the Central Integrated Community
CHEN Bo. The Disadvantages of the Qin Dynasty System from the Aspect of the Central Integrated Community[J]. Journal of Northwest University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2002, 0(2)
Authors:CHEN Bo
The Qin Dynasty established the autocratic model that performs the dictatorship of the central integrated community and inhibits other forms of common community. The expansion of the central integrated community, which did not allow other forms to exist and grow, does not leave any space for the civil rights to grow. That is the reason why Power Dominates law, which had a harmful effect on the development of the ancient Chinese society for a long time.
Keywords:The Qin Dynasty System  The Central Integrated Community  disadvantage  
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