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Locally and maximin optimal designs for multi-factor nonlinear models
Authors:C. Rodríguez  I. Ortiz  I. Martínez
Affiliation:1. Department of Mathematics, Almería University, Almeria, Spaincrt@ual.es;3. Department of Mathematics, Almería University, Almeria, Spain
This paper considers the search for locally and maximin optimal designs for multi-factor nonlinear models from optimal designs for sub-models of a lower dimension. In particular, sufficient conditions are given so that maximin D-optimal designs for additive multi-factor nonlinear models can be built from maximin D-optimal designs for their sub-models with a single factor. Some examples of application are models involving exponential decay in several variables.
Keywords:additive models  locally D-optimal designs  nonlinear regression models  standardized maximin D-optimal designs
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