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引用本文:陈龙. 我国媒体艾滋病报道中的话语修辞变迁[J]. 山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2010, 33(2): 117-123
摘    要:我国受众对待艾滋病的态度长期以来受媒体的影响很大。文章认为,我国早期媒体报道修辞方式,总体趋于保守、封闭,担心新闻报道会抹黑国家、政府形象,引发社会动乱,报道修辞的着眼点往往是隐匿某些情况,这不利于百姓正确、科学地面对疾病。在今天信息公开的社会背景下,媒体仍需要讲究修辞敏感性。只有及时沟通信息,尊重当事人隐私,监测疫情变化,排除社会隐患,才能达到维护社会和谐稳定的目标。

关 键 词:媒体  艾滋病报道  修辞敏感性

The Change of Discourse Rhetoric in AIDS Reporting in Chinese Mass Media
CHEN Long. The Change of Discourse Rhetoric in AIDS Reporting in Chinese Mass Media[J]. Journal of Shanxi University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2010, 33(2): 117-123
Authors:CHEN Long
Affiliation:CHEN Long (Phoenix Communication College,Soochow University,Suzhou 215006,China)
Abstract:In China,mass media play very important roles in people's attitudes.This article holds that Chinese media were always conservative and narrow-minded in rhetoric ways of AIDS reporting at the very beginning of 1980s.Media often worried that the AIDS reporting could bring shame on the government and cause social riots,therefore,trying to hide something about the epidemic situation became the routine rhetoric ways of reporting,which always concealed the truth form the people.Nowadays,AIDS reporting is still a ...
Keywords:mass media  AIDS reporting  rhetoric sensitivity  
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