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Content Audit for p-value Principles in Introductory Statistics
Authors:Karsten Maurer  Lynette Hudiburgh  Lisa Werwinski  John Bailer
Affiliation:1. Department of Statistics, Miami University, Oxford, OHmaurerkt@miamioh.edu;3. Department of Statistics, Miami University, Oxford, OH

Longstanding concerns with the role and interpretation of p-values in statistical practice prompted the American Statistical Association (ASA) to make a statement on p-values. The ASA statement spurred a flurry of responses and discussions by statisticians, with many wondering about the steps necessary to expand the adoption of these principles. Introductory statistics classrooms are key locations to introduce and emphasize the nuance related to p-values; in part because they engrain appropriate analysis choices at the earliest stages of statistics education, and also because they reach the broadest group of students. We propose a framework for statistics departments to conduct a content audit for p-value principles in their introductory curriculum. We then discuss the process and results from applying this course audit framework within our own statistics department. We also recommend meeting with client departments as a complement to the course audit. Discussions about analyses and practices common to particular fields can help to evaluate if our service courses are meeting the needs of client departments and to identify what is needed in our introductory courses to combat the misunderstanding and future misuse of p-values.
Keywords:Audit  Curriculum  Education  Service courses
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