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引用本文:张慧诚. 《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中的寻父主题[J]. 西昌学院学报(社会科学版), 2020, 32(4): 87-91
作者单位:四川工商学院图书馆,四川 眉山 620000
摘    要:小说《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》主人公对精神之父的寻找同时也印证了整个社会对“父亲”的需要。而“父亲”在更广泛意义上是指一种精神信仰,一种外在社会关系和传统道德标准的约束。陀思妥耶夫斯基通过小家庭这个窗口窥视了整个俄罗斯大社会的风景,从德米特里最终的被救赎到伊凡的道德皈依再到阿廖沙对宗教的笃信,我们看到了几兄弟在“寻父”的道上走着不同的路程,却都达到了同一终点。

关 键 词:《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》;陀思妥耶夫斯基;西方文学研究

On the Theme of Searching for Father in The Brothers Karamazov
ZHANG Huicheng. On the Theme of Searching for Father in The Brothers Karamazov[J]. Journal of Xichang College(Social Science Edition), 2020, 32(4): 87-91
Authors:ZHANG Huicheng
Affiliation:Library of Sichuan Technology and Business University,Meishan, Sichuan620000, China
Abstract:The search foraspiritualFather in the novel The Brothers Karamazov confirms the need of aFather for the whole society. In a broader sense, Father refers to a kind of spiritual belief and a sort of constraint from external social relationships and traditional moral standards. Dostoevsky peeps at the whole Russian society through the window of a small family. From Dmitri''s final redemption to Ivan''s conversion and to Alexei''s religious belief, we have seen that the three brothers have all reached the same destination in different ways on the road of searching for aFather.
Keywords:The Brothers Karamazov   Dostoevsky   Western Literature Research
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