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Book reviews and books received
Managing Stress Edited by David Fontana, Leicester, BPS/London, Routledge (1989). [Pp.ix + 118.] 5.95. ISBN 0-901715-98-0 (hardback). ISBN 0-901715-97-2 (paperback).

Applying Cognitive Psychology to User Interface Design Edited by M. M. GARDINER and B. CHRISTIE, New York, John Wiley (1987). [Pp.ix+372.] A29.95. ISBN 0-471-91184-4.

Architect or Bee? The Human Price of Technology Edited by MIKE COOLEY, London, The Hogarth Press (1987). [Pp. 193.1 E5.95 (paperback). ISBN 0-701207-69-8.

Occupational Health, 2nd Edition Edited by BARRY S. LEVY and DAVID H. WEGMAN, Boston, Little Brown (Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone) (1988). [Pp. xxv + 640.1 A24.95 (Paperback). ISBN 0-316-52247-3.

Stress Management in Work Settings Edited by LAWRENCE R. MURPHY and THEODORE F. SCHOENBORN, Washington DC, US Government Printing Office (1987). [Pp. viii+ 190.1 $9.50. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 87-111.

Trends in ErgonomicslHuman Factors V Edited by FEHEVDOUN AGHAZADEH, Amsterdam, North-Holland (Elsevier), (1988). [Pp. xx + 1095.1 $208, Dfl. 395. ISBN 0-444-70442-6.

Technology and the Transfarmation of White Collar Work Edited by ROBERT E. KRAUT, New Jersey, Lawerence Erlbaum Associates (1987). [Pp. x + 281 .] A21.50. ISBN 0-89859-633-5.
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