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引用本文:高达,王鹏. 中国信托法的发展完善[J]. 学术探索, 2014, 0(1): 54-58
作者姓名:高达  王鹏
作者单位:[1]西南政法大学民商法学院,重庆401120 [2]云南法研律师事务所,云南禄劝651500
摘    要:信托法是一个古老法律制度,因其在克服委托人和受益人能力之不足、确保财产权益之有效增值与承继、活跃社会经济活动等方面的巨大作用,在英美法系得到广泛传播和发展,在大陆法系也得到肯定。信托法在转型时期的中国同样能发挥重要作用,但中国总体上师承大陆法系,法律制度及传统与信托法亦存冲突,目前的信托立法也颇多缺陷。本文在回顾历史、总结成果、梳理现状基础上,对我国信托法的完善提出了初步建议。

关 键 词:信托  衡平  大陆法系  冲突

On the Development of Trust Law and the Perfection of Chinese Trust Law
GAO Da,Wang Peng. On the Development of Trust Law and the Perfection of Chinese Trust Law[J]. Academic Research, 2014, 0(1): 54-58
Authors:GAO Da  Wang Peng
Affiliation:( Civil and Commercial Law School, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing, 401120, China; Yunnan Fayan lawyer firm,651500, Yunnan, China)
Abstract:Trust law is an ancient legal system. Because of its great role in overcoming the deficiencies of the trustee and benefici- ary, ensuring the effective value - added and inheritance of the property rights, motivating social and economic activities, it is widely spread and developed in the Anglo - American law system and the continental law system. But the trust system which origi- nated in the Anglo - American equity law system conflicts with the tradition continental law system in many places, many of which remain unsolved. Scholars of the continental law system have put great effort on it. Trust law can also play an important role in Chi- na during the transition period. But Chinese law system is general learned from the tradition continental law system, and there is also conflict with trust law. The current Chinese trust legislation has many defects too. Based on the review of history, summing up the achievement and combing the present situation, this paper puts preliminary suggestions for perfecting Chinese trust law.
Keywords:trust  equity  the continental law system  conflict
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