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Reconsideration of the F-test of the analysis of variance: the semi-bayesian significance test
Authors:B. Lecoutre
Affiliation:Groupe Mathématiques et Psychologie , Université René Descartes , 12 rue Cujas, Paris , 75005
Abstract:The usual F-test of the analysis of variance is reconsidered within the Bayesian framework, In terms of predictive distributions, This leads to the notion of semi-Bayesian significance test, so called because it consists in only probabilizing the space of nuisance parameters, thus bringing a general principle for “eliminating” nuisance parameters, or more exactly incorporating information about these parameters. The approach is shown to extend the F-tests, by allowing the testing of hypotheses of non-zero effects.
Keywords:significance tests  nuisance parameters  bayesian predictive distribution  analysis of variance  F and psi-square distribution
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