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Relative performance of stein-rule and preliminary test estimators in linear models least squares theory
Authors:A.K.Md Ehsanes Saleh  Pranab Kumar Sen
Affiliation:1. Department of Mathematics Statistics , Carleton University , Ottawa, KIS 586, Canada;2. Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health , University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill, NC, 27514, USA
Abstract:In the classical (univariare) linear model, bearing the plausibility of a subset of the regression parameters being close to a pivot, shrinkage least squares estimation of the complementary subset is considered. Based on the usual James-Stein rule, shrinkage least squares estimators are constructed, and under an asymptotic setup (allowing the shrinkage parameters to be 'close to ' the pivot), the relative performance of such estimators and the prcliminary test estimators is studied. In this context, the normality of the errors is also avoided under the same asymptotic setup. None of the shrinkage and preliminary test estimators may dominate the other (in the light of the asymptotic distributional risk criterion, as has been developed here), though each of them fares well relative to the classical least squeres estimator. The chice of the shrinkage factor is also examined properly.
Keywords:Asymptotic distributional risk  asympototic dominance  asymptotio risk-sfficiency  multiple regression model  preliminary test estimation  ahrinkage (Stein-rule) estimation  sub-hypothesis testing
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