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Bayesian analysis of the linear regression model with an edgeworth series prior distribution
Authors:Anoop Chaturvedi  Hikaru Hasegawa  Sheel Asthana
Affiliation:1. Department of Mathematics &2. Statistics , University of Allahabad ,;3. Faculty of Economics &4. Business Admnistration , Hokkaldo University ,
Abstract:The purpose of the present investigation 1s to observe the effect of departure from normahty of the prior distribution of regresslon parameters on the Bayman analysis of a h e a r regresslon model Assuming an Edgeworth serles prior distribution for the regresslon coefficients and gamma prior for the disturbances precision, the expressions for the posterlor distribution, posterlor mean and Bayes risk under a quadratic loss function are obtalned The results of a numerical evaluation are also analyzed
Keywords:Bayes estimator  Bayes risk  gamma prior  kurtosis  nonnormal distribution  quadratic loss function  skewness
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