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A nonparametric estimator of the number of classes based on a stratified random sample
Authors:James L. Norris III  Duane A. Meeter
Affiliation:1. Department of Mathematics , Wake Forest University , Winston-Salem, NC, 27109;2. Department of Statistics , Florida State University , Tallahassee, FL, 32306
Abstract:Under stratified random sampling, we develop a kth-order bootstrap bias-corrected estimator of the number of classes θ which exist in a study region. This research extends Smith and van Belle’s (1984) first-order bootstrap bias-corrected estimator under simple random sampling. Our estimator has applicability for many settings including: estimating the number of animals when there are stratified capture periods, estimating the number of species based on stratified random sampling of subunits (say, quadrats) from the region, and estimating the number of errors/defects in a product based on observations from two or more types of inspectors. When the differences between the strata are large, utilizing stratified random sampling and our estimator often results in superior performance versus the use of simple random sampling and its bootstrap or jackknife [Burnham and Overton (1978)] estimator. The superior performance is often associated with more observed classes, and we provide insights into optimal designation of the strata and optimal allocation of sample sectors to strata.
Keywords:bootstrap bias correction  functional statistic  stratified random sampling
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