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An augmented data scoring algorithm for maximum likelihood
Authors:Jun Ma  H. Malcolm Hudson
Affiliation:Department of Statistics , Macquarie University
Abstract:The expectation-maximization (EM) method facilitates computation of max¬imum likelihood (ML) and maximum penalized likelihood (MPL) solutions. The procedure requires specification of unobservabie complete data which augment the measured or incomplete data. This specification defines a conditional expectation of the complete data log-likelihood function which is computed in the E-stcp. The EM algorithm is most effective when maximizing the iunction Q{0) denned in the F-stnp is easier than maximizing the likelihood function.

The Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) algorithm of Wei & Tanner (1990) was introduced for problems where computation of Q is difficult or intractable. However Monte Carlo can he computationally expensive, e.g. in signal processing applications involving large numbers of parameters. We provide another approach: a modification of thc standard EM algorithm avoiding computation of conditional expectations.
Keywords:Data augmentation  EM algorithm  Fisher scoring  observed and HX-perterl intbrrnation
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