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The non-null distributions in anoya
Authors:John G. Saw
Affiliation:Department of Statistics, , University of Florida , Gainesville, 32611, Florida
Abstract:Under the traditional assumptions, any entry in ANOVA interpreted to include all Linear model analyses] is equivalent in disiributien to a quadratic form Q=[μ11Z1]2+…+ [μννZν]2]wherein Z1..Zν are independent standard normal variables. Test statisics in ANOVE are distributed as ratio R of two depenbent such quadretic forms. The non-null distribution of R is a mixture of null distributions; the mixing variable is an easy generalitatlon of the Poisson variable. Fast algorithms yield the power function in both fixed and random effects models in AVOVA to user-specified accuracy.
Keywords:power in ANOVA  generalilzed poisson  generallized chisquared  generalized f-distribution
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