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On the decomposition of X2 for two-way contingency tables
Authors:Christy Chuang
Affiliation:Department of Statistics , Division of Biostatistics The University of Rochester , Rochester, NY, 14627
Abstract:When samples are taken independently from I populations and the subjects classified into J categories, can the Pearson's chisquare statistic X2 testing the homogeneity model on the resulting I×J two-way table be decomposed into components familiar in the analysis of variance? Will the X2 testing the homogeneity model on tables derived by collapsing columns in the spirit of orthogonal comparisons in factorial experiments be asymptotically independent? The answers to both questions are generally negative. This paper gives a theoretical justification.
Keywords:asymptotic independence  decomposition  homogeneity model  Pearson's chi-square statistic
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