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Consumerism, disorientation and postmodern space: a modest test of an immodest theory
Authors:Woodward I  Emmison M  Smith P
Affiliation:Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland.
There has recently been an explosion of theoretical literature on social space. A central claim in this literature is that postmodern spaces are experienced as confusing or disorienting by human subjects. This claim remains untested. The paper reports results from a small-scale survey conducted in one form of postmodern space--the shopping mall. It suggests that unsupported assertions about the disorienting effects of postmodern space and their associated influence on consumerist activities should be treated with scepticism. Through practice humans are able to develop routines which enable them to competently navigate these spaces.
Keywords:Postmodern space    disorientation    consumerism    shopping behaviour    shopping malls
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