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引用本文:赵晖,田鹏颖. 从社会批判转向社会建构——关于社会工程哲学研究的对话[J]. 辽东学院学报(社会科学版), 2010, 12(6)
作者姓名:赵晖  田鹏颖
摘    要:社会工程哲学作为在全球化进程曲折发展、新科技革命的冲击、社会主义运动在曲折中演进的时代背景下,对现代性及其现代社会人类把握世界基本方式的反思,既是科学技术哲学逻辑理路的延伸,又是现代科学精神与人文精神的整合和马克思主义哲学特别是唯物史观当代表达方式的创新。社会工程哲学汲取了现代西方哲学、西方马克思主义、科学技术哲学、中国哲学的精华,标志着现代哲学从社会批判向社会建构的时代转向。

关 键 词:社会工程哲学  社会批判  社会建构  时代精神

From Social Criticism to Social Construction: a Dialogue on Social Engineering Philosophy Research
ZHAO Hui,TIAN Peng-ying. From Social Criticism to Social Construction: a Dialogue on Social Engineering Philosophy Research[J]. Journal of Liaodong University :Social Sciences, 2010, 12(6)
Authors:ZHAO Hui  TIAN Peng-ying
Abstract:Social engineering philosophy is the reflection of modernity and the basic way for human beings to grasp the world under the background of the tortuously developing globalization,the impact of new technology revolution and the unsmooth evolution of socialist movement.It is not only the logic extension of scientific philosophy,but also the integration of modern scientific spirit and humanistic spirit and an innovation of Marxist philosophy,especially the historical materialism in modern times.Social engineering philosophy derives the essence of modern western philosophy,western Marxism,scientific philosophy and Chinese philosophy,indicating the turning of modern philosophy from social criticism to social construction.
Keywords:social engineering philosophy  social criticism  social construction  zeitgeist
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