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Living arrangements of older malaysians: Who coresides with their adult children?
Authors:Julie DaVanzo  Angelique Chan
Affiliation:1. RAND, 1700 Main Street, 90407-2138, Santa Monica, CA
2. RAND and UCLA, University of California Los Angeles Department of Sociology, Haines Hall, 405 Hilgard Avenue, 90024-1551, Los Angeles, CA
Abstract:More than two-thirds of Malaysians age 60 or older coreside with an adult child. Data from the Senior sample of the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey (MFLS-2) are used to investigate which “seniors” (persons age 60 or older) live in this way. The analysis generally supports the notion that coresidence is influenced by the benefits, costs, opportunities, and preferences for coresidence versus separate living arrangements. For example, married seniors are more likely to coreside with adult children when housing costs are greater in their area or when the husband or wife is in poor health. This finding suggests that married parents and children live together to economize on living costs or to receive help with household services. Unmarried seniors who are better off economically are less likely to live with adult children, presumably because they use their higher incomes to “purchase privacy.”
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