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Dynamic approach to linear statistical calibration with an application in microwave radiometry
Authors:Derick L. Rivers  Edward L. Boone
Affiliation:1. Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USAriversdl@vcu.edu;3. Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA
The problem of statistical calibration of a measuring instrument can be framed both in a statistical context as well as in an engineering context. In the first, the problem is dealt with by distinguishing between the ‘classical’ approach and the ‘inverse’ regression approach. Both of these models are static models and are used to estimate exact measurements from measurements that are affected by error. In the engineering context, the variables of interest are considered to be taken at the time at which you observe it. The Bayesian time series analysis method of Dynamic Linear Models can be used to monitor the evolution of the measures, thus introducing a dynamic approach to statistical calibration. The research presented employs a new approach to performing statistical calibration. A simulation study in the context of microwave radiometry is conducted that compares the dynamic model to traditional static frequentist and Bayesian approaches. The focus of the study is to understand how well the dynamic statistical calibration method performs under various signal-to-noise ratios, r.
Keywords:Calibration  dynamic linear model  Bayesian inference  regression  inverse regression
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