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Mosaic of Difference

The professional literature has not adequately addressed the behavioral and social factors that contribute to different coping outcomes for African American elder caregivers as compared to non African Americans. Awareness and understanding of these unique experiences would better prepare professionals to work with such clients. This study examines the predictors of emotional distress among 46 African American women who provide care to dependent elderly parents. Multivariate statistical analyses show that elder caregivers' rating of quality of life, their years of caregiving, as well are their poor heath constitute significant predictors of risk for depression. The results of the study provide support for the inclusion of more culturally appropriate measures of caregiver distress, and provide insights to inform social work practice, policy and research concerning African American female elder caregivers in the 21st century.
Keywords:Elder  older adults  caregivers  Blacks  African American  mental health  stress  burden  coping  quality of life  social work practice
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