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引用本文:赵震莉. 我国刑事被害人权利保护缺位浅析[J]. 甘肃联合大学学报(社会科学版), 2008, 24(5): 43-45
摘    要:保护刑事被害人,给予其恰当的诉讼权利是追求程序公正的重要环节。随着近年来各国对被害人权利保护的日益重视,许多国家的刑事司法制度已逐步发展到同时保护被告人和被害人的权利。我国修改后的刑事诉讼法明确赋予了被害人当事人地位,但因相关法律规定缺乏可操作性,造成被害人权利的缺失,因而完善刑事被害人诉讼代理制度、建立国家补偿制度等措施亟待实施。

关 键 词:刑事被害人  公诉  国家补偿

Brief Analysis of the Absence for Protection of Criminal Victims in China
ZHAO Zhen-li. Brief Analysis of the Absence for Protection of Criminal Victims in China[J]. Journal of Gansu Lianhe University:Social Sciences, 2008, 24(5): 43-45
Authors:ZHAO Zhen-li
Abstract:Entrusting criminal victims to certain lawsuit right and protecting them have been an important respect of judicial justice.With the development of crime victim research,more and more countries pay more attention to the protection of victim rights.Many countries transfer the center of criminal judiciary from the protection of the accused rights to the protection of the accused and victim rights.According to the modified criminal procedure law in China,the victim is given the party concerned position,however,the relevant laws are too principle and lack maneuverability,which results in that the victim's party concerned position is deficient.It is necessary to establish national compensate system and perfect lawsuit right of criminal victims.
Keywords:criminal victim  public appeal  national compensate system
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