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引用本文:张金平,余学波. 邓小平外交思想中的国家利益观[J]. 云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2006, 23(4): 14-17
作者姓名:张金平  余学波
作者单位:1. 云南民族大学,马列部,云南,昆明,650031
2. 云南大学,国际关系研究院,云南,昆明,650091
摘    要:国家利益是决定国家外交政策和对外行为的根本因素。邓小平是第一个明确提出以国家利益作为中国外交出发点的中国领导人。在邓小平的战略视野中,将国家利益作为外交的出发点,将国家主权和安全作为国家利益的根本内容,突出中国外交的国家经济利益,实现中国的国家利益与世界和平与发展利益的一致。实现中国国家利益的外交战略是促进世界的和平与发展。

关 键 词:邓小平外交思想  国家利益  和平与发展  主权与安全

The Concept of National Interest Revealed in Deng Xiaoping''''s Diplomatic Ideas
ZHANG Jin-ping,YU Xue-bo. The Concept of National Interest Revealed in Deng Xiaoping''''s Diplomatic Ideas[J]. Journal of Yunnan Nationalities University(Social Sciences), 2006, 23(4): 14-17
Authors:ZHANG Jin-ping  YU Xue-bo
Abstract:The national interest is the basic factor determining the diplomatic policies and activities of a country.It is Deng Xiaoping as a Chinese leader that first pointed out that the national interest is the point of departure of China's diplomacy.In his strategic vision,Deng Xiaoping regards sovereignty and security as the basic content of the national interest,stresses the economic interest of China,pursues the shared goal of China's national interest and the development of world peace.Thus,the diplomatic strategy of realizing China's national interest aims to promote the peace and development all over the world.
Keywords:Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic ideas  national interest  peace and development  sovereignty and security  
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