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引用本文:詹国彬. 地方政府购买公益性法律服务:方式、挑战与路径选择[J]. 南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版), 2018, 0(2): 43-50
作者单位:南京审计大学 国家治理与国家审计研究院,江苏 南京211815
摘    要:地方政府购买公益性法律服务既是深化服务型政府建设、转变政府职能之需要,也是贯彻落实党的十八届三中、四中、五中全会和十九大报告精神之具体体现。从实践来看,项目招标制和项目资助制业已成为地方政府购买公益性法律服务的主要方式,但是,公益性法律社团发育程度低、服务购买范围模糊、保障机制不健全,以及政府监管能力薄弱等因素日益对地方政府购买公益性法律服务构成严峻挑战。为此,建议从购买方式的选择、购买范围的界定、保障机制的夯实、法律服务社团的培育,以及政府监管能力的强化等方面入手,构建综合性的政策框架,以推动地方政府购买公益性法律服务朝着健康有序的方向发展。

关 键 词:地方政府;政府购买服务;公益性法律服务;服务型政府

Patterns, challenges and development path: outsourcing of non profit legal services by local governments
Affiliation:Research Institute on National Governance and Audit,Nanjing Audit University,Nanjing 211815,China
Abstract:Local governments'' outsourcing of non profit legal services not only meets the requirement of further construction of service oriented government and transformation of government functions, but also embodies the spirit of the Third, Fourth & Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the 19th National Congress Report of CPC. In the outsourcing practice, project bidding and project funding systems are the typical patterns by local governments. However, developing non profit law companies, ambiguous scope of services to be outsourced, incomplete guarantee mechanism, and weak government supervision capacity are posing big challenges. For a healthy and orderly growth of the outsourcing, a comprehensive policy framework should be developed by selecting proper outsourcing patterns, clarifying outsourcing scopes, reinforcing guarantee mechanism, training law companies and enhancing governments'' supervision capacity.
Keywords:local government   outsourcing of services by government   non profit legal services   service oriented government
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