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引用本文:丁进. 春秋赋诗的真相[J]. 学术月刊, 2006, 0(3)
作者单位:安徽财经大学中文系 安徽合肥233041
摘    要:两汉以来,对于春秋赋诗的真相一直存在误解,以为“赋诗”就是吟诵现存诗篇,或者即兴创作一首诗歌。其实,春秋“赋诗”是一项典型的礼乐活动,是宴享之礼中的一个仪注。在宴享活动中,主人点乐章招待客人,由乐工演唱;客人或者推辞,或者接受,听完以后表示感谢,并且点乐章回敬主人。由于宴享礼的失落,汉人已经不知道“赋诗”的具体仪注,致使春秋“赋诗”的真相湮没了两千多年。

关 键 词:先秦文学  赋诗  礼乐  乐章  宴享

The Fact of poem Singing in Chunqiu Times
Ding Jin. The Fact of poem Singing in Chunqiu Times[J]. Academic Monthly, 2006, 0(3)
Authors:Ding Jin
Abstract:Since Western-Han Dynasty people have al ways had mistakes about the poem Singing in Chun-qiu Ti mes . They thought that poemSinging was to recital psal ms on hand orinvent a poemonthe spot .Infact poemSingingin Chun-qiu Ti mes is a typical ceremony-music action.It is a unit of ceremonyin a ban-quet .In this action the host entertained his guests by ordering his singers singing poems . His guests de-clined or accepted and expressed their thanks or asked the singers to sing poems for the host . Due to theloss of this ceremony ,people in Han Dynasty had not known the fact of this ceremony The fact of poemssinging has been deep hided for more than 2000 years .
Keywords:poems singing  ceremony-music system  poem  banquet  
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