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引用本文:徐湘林. 面向21世纪的中国政策科学[J]. 北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2000, 37(4): 184-190
作者单位:北京大学政治学与行政管理系,北京 100871
摘    要:政策科学在我国的兴起和发展与中国的改革进程有着密切的相关性。在继续改革开放的道路上 ,面临机遇和挑战的中国政府必将更多地依靠社会科学的发展来帮助她解决日益复杂的社会政治经济问题。然而 ,我国政策科学尚存在着学科发育不全以及理论和方法贫乏的问题。中国政策科学只有在学术借鉴和本土化研究的双重努力下追求自身的完善 ,才能摆脱学科发展的困境

关 键 词:政策科学  政策研究取向  学术借鉴  本土化研究

Toward the 21st-Century: Policy Science in China
XU Xiang lin. Toward the 21st-Century: Policy Science in China[J]. Journal of Peking University(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2000, 37(4): 184-190
Authors:XU Xiang lin
Abstract:After almost two decades of development, policy science in China is still struggling for its legitimacy as an individual discipline among social sciences. As the authorities in China urgently needs professionals and expertise to rationalize their policy-making process and governance, the policy science can be promoted by learning from Western transferability of knowledge and, more importantly, paying close attention to indigenizating studies.
Keywords:policy science  policy orientation  transferability of knowledge  indigenization
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