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引用本文:陈支平. 明代后期社会经济变迁的历史思考[J]. 河北学刊, 2008, 28(1): 70-72
摘    要:[主持人语]中国古代社会是缓慢发展的还是停滞不前,中国封建社会晚期自身能否滋生近代因素,中国近代化的起点在哪里?这些都是中外学者长期争论不休的问题。这些争论,不仅关系到对中国古代历史面貌、发展走向的认识,而且关系到对中国近现代社会和革命历史必然性的认识。而争论的实质,归根结底是对马克思主义人类社会发展理论、社会经济形态理论的不同理解和认识。明清之际的人们常说,晚明是一个"乾坤迸裂"的"极乱世界"。晚明社会发生了巨变,这是不争的历史事实。那么,晚明社会都在哪些方面发生了变化,变化的性质是什么,走向哪里,究竟遇到了什么障碍,它是不是中国早期近代化的开端?这些都是需要加以认真研究和讨论的。为此,《河北学刊》与中国明史学会组织了这次《晚明社会变迁与中国早期近代化》的专题讨论,以期通过学术争鸣和互相切磋,将这一研究引向深入。

关 键 词:晚明  社会变迁  中国早期近代化  文化近代化  社会经济变迁

The Social Transition of the Late Ming Dynasty and Early Modernization of China (Topic for special discussion)
Chairman: ZHANG Xian-qing. The Social Transition of the Late Ming Dynasty and Early Modernization of China (Topic for special discussion)[J]. Hebei Academic Journal, 2008, 28(1): 70-72
Authors:Chairman: ZHANG Xian-qing
Affiliation:Chairman: ZHANG Xian-qing
Abstract:Chairman's words: Such problems as whether China's ancient society developed slowly or undeveloped,whether China's late feudal society could produce the factors of modernization and where the starting point of modernization is,are continuously controversial.The essence is the different understanding of the development theory of human society by Marx and the configurative theory of society and economy.In the late Ming dynasty,great changes took place,which is widely recognized,but whether it is the starting point of China's modernization needs further research and discussion.Therefore,Hebei Academic Journal and China's Association of the Ming History joined to have this special discussion to give a deep research through contending and mutual exchanges of views.
Keywords:the late Ming dynasty  social transition  China's early modernization  modernization of culture  social and economic transition
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