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Book Reviews
Book reviewed in this article: Industrialization and Growth: A Comparative Study. By Hollis Chenery, Sherman Robinson and Moshe Syrquin. Adjustment with a Human Face. Volume I: Protecting the Vulnerable and Promoting Growth. Edited by Giovanni Andrea Cornia, Richard Jolly and Frances Stewart Effects of EEC Agricultural Policies: A General Equilibrium Approach. By Jens Breckling, Sally Thorpe, Andy Stoeckel. Agricultural Policies in the European Community: Their Origins, Nature and Effects on Production and Trade. The Food and Farm Policies of the European Community. By Simon Harris, Alan Swinbank and Guy Wilkinson, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Dialogues on Development: The Individual, Society and Political Order. By Ramashray Roy and R.K. Srivastava. People's Participation, Local Government and Rural Development: The Case of West Bengal. By Kirsten Westergaard. Community Participation, Social Development and the State. By James Midgley with Anthony Hall, Margaret Hardiman and Dhanpaul Narine. Zambia: Country Study and Norwegian Aid Review 1986. Edited by the Chr. Michelsen Institute. The International Monetary System and Its Reform. Edited by Sidney Dell.
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