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Ethical Issues in the Use of Putative Father Registries in Infant Adoption: Implications for Administrators and Practitioners
Authors:Larry D. Watson  Norman H. Cobb
Affiliation:University of Texas at Arlington , Arlington , Texas , USA
Infant adoption policy and practices are laden with potential ethical dilemmas for adoption professionals, state and federal government, and society in general. Putative father registries raise new ethical issues in the provision of adoption services and the rights and roles of birthfathers. Birthfathers have relatively little power in the policy arena and the power differential between the parties in an adoption is evident. Administrators and practitioners at all levels of practice have an obligation to see that birthfathers are treated fairly and with dignity. This article examines the issues related to the use of putative father registries and the ethical implications regarding birthfather rights.
Keywords:birthfather  putative  registry  infant adoption
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