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引用本文:黄炎平,刘建金. 论生态伦理学的道德进步性[J]. 长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2001, 16(4): 21-24
作者姓名:黄炎平  刘建金
作者单位:中南大学文法学院 湖南长沙410083(黄炎平),中南大学文法学院 湖南长沙410083(刘建金)
摘    要:
生态伦理学是 2 0世纪六、七十年代兴起的一门学科 ,它的产生既是社会历史发展的必然结果 ,也是道德本身发展的必然结果。它彻底改变了人类道德思维的方式 ,赋予了义务、公正、自由等伦理概念新的涵义 ,把道德从人类领域扩展到了包括自然的整个生态领域。人类未来的生存方式必然是生态式的 ,生态伦理必将成为人们行为的道德内在根据。

关 键 词:生态伦理  道德思维方式  义务  公正  自由  进步性

On the Moral Progressiveness of Eco_ethics
HUANG Yan ping,LIU Jian jin. On the Moral Progressiveness of Eco_ethics[J]. Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology, 2001, 16(4): 21-24
Authors:HUANG Yan ping  LIU Jian jin
Eco_ethics rose in the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century as a natural result of the development of social praxis and ethics itself. It has changed the way of people's moral thinking completely extending the concept of ethics from human world to the whole ecosystem,including nature and thus endowing the idea of duty,justice,freedom,etc with new meanings.The living style for humankind in the future must be ecological;and human behavior must be grounded on eco_ethics as the inner moral principle.
Keywords:Eco_ethics  the way of moral thinking  duty  justice  freedom  progressiveness
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