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引用本文:张文安. 道教传播与少数民族盘古神话[J]. 中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2006, 0(6)
作者单位:东北师范大学历史学博士后流动站 吉林长春130024,陕西师范大学历史文化学院陕西西安710062
摘    要:我国南方少数民族地区流行的盘古神话不是当地原始社会神话的遗存,而是汉籍中的盘古神话随北方汉族道教在南方的广泛传播而流传开来的。神话传播研究是研究少数民族神话的基础和前提。用西方进化论神话理论研究中国少数民族神话的方法值得纠正。

关 键 词:少数民族  盘古神话  道教  进化论  文化传播

The Spreading of Taoist and the Fable of Pangu in Ethnic Minority Groups
ZHANG Wen-an. The Spreading of Taoist and the Fable of Pangu in Ethnic Minority Groups[J]. Journal of The Central University for Nationalities(Humane and Social Sciences Edition), 2006, 0(6)
Authors:ZHANG Wen-an
Abstract:The fable of Pangu(the one who creates the world) in ethnic minority groups of southern China is not from the primary tales but the fairy tales of Han nationality with the wide spread of Taoist from the northern Han nationality in different historical period of time.The research of the spreading of the fable is the basis and premises of the research of fables in ethnic minority groups.The fact is worth to be corrected that studying fables in ethnic minority groups with western mythological theory of evolutionary theory.
Keywords:ethnic minority groups  fable  Taoist  evolutionary theory  spread of culture
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