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引用本文:丁为祥. 20世纪公德问题探讨中的几个误区[J]. 河北学刊, 2008, 28(2): 53-58
摘    要:20世纪的公德探讨开始于梁启超,他在中西横向比较的背景下形成对道德的二重分划,又以公德之"公"与"新"作为道德发展的方向。本来,道德既无所谓公私,也无所谓新旧,但由于梁启超的划分带有明显的价值评价意味,所以衍生了此后"古今"、"公私"长期对立的格局,并且也衍生了"文化大革命"与"文化热"中的极左思潮。新世纪以来,随着经济的腾飞与社会的发展,人们又将对私德的讨伐和对"基督之爱"的仰慕作为公德建设的动力,其实这都是在"公私"、"新旧"对立的基础上继续走入误区的表现。实际上,真正的公德必须以私德为精神基础,而以公民社会性地位的自觉及其权利与义务的对等为实现条件。

关 键 词:20世纪  公德  梁启超  误区

The Erroneous Views of Studies on the Public Morality in the 20th Century
DING Wei-xiang. The Erroneous Views of Studies on the Public Morality in the 20th Century[J]. Hebei Academic Journal, 2008, 28(2): 53-58
Authors:DING Wei-xiang
Abstract:The studies on the public morality in the 20th century started from Liang Qi-chao who divides it into"public"and"new"as the developing direction,producing the long-term antitheses of"ancient and present"and"public and private"as well as the extreme leftist thoughts of"cultural revolution"and"cultural craze".In the new century people once more send forces to suppress private morality and admire"Christianity love"as the dynamics of public morality.In fact,the real public morality must be based on the private morality,and the civil sociality,rights and obligations must be equal.
Keywords:in the 20th century  public morality  Liang Qi-chao  erroneous views  
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