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引用本文:赵龙跃,管传靖. 美国霸权危机与自由国际主义新动向[J]. 太平洋学报, 2013, 21(1): 41-49
作者姓名:赵龙跃  管传靖
摘    要:随着国际政治经济格局的变化,美国由于国内经济社会问题的困扰、国际上采取单边行动的影响,其霸权地位面临危机,如何避免衰退、维持霸权成为美国政治经济外交界研究和争论的焦点。在最近几年的讨论中,美国自由国际主义学派表现活跃,通过组织重大研究项目等,连续发表了一系列颇具影响的论述和论著,形成了比较鲜明的全球战略观。系统分析美国自由国际主义全球战略思潮的新动向,明确其理论的本质和特点,对于我国全面认识和有效应对美国全球战略新变化具有重要现实意义。

关 键 词:美国霸权  自由国际主义  全球战略

American Hegemony Crisis and the New Trends of Liberal Internationalism
ZHAO Longyue , GUAN Chuanjing. American Hegemony Crisis and the New Trends of Liberal Internationalism[J]. Pacific Journal, 2013, 21(1): 41-49
Authors:ZHAO Longyue    GUAN Chuanjing
Affiliation:1(1.Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China)
Abstract:Along with the changes in the international political mestic economic and social problems, unilateral international and economic patterns, due to the impact of doactions, American hegemonic position is facing crisis. It has become the focus of research and debate for the United States to avoid a recession and to maintain its hegemony in the world. In the current debate, liberal internationalism has engaged activally through organizing major research projects, publishing a series of influential papers and works, and forming a more distinct global strategy. It is of great significant for China to fully understand and effectively respond to the new changes of American global strategy by analyzing systematically the new trend of American liberal internationalism's global strategic thoughts and clarifying the essence and features of the theory.
Keywords:American hegemony  liberal internationalism  global strategy
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