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引用本文:张国宏. 中国特色社会主义理论体系形成和发展的内在机制[J]. 江苏大学学报(社会科学版), 2009, 11(3): 34-40
摘    要:中国特色社会主义理论体系形成和发展的内在机制由理论前提、国情基础、文化基因、实践源泉、思想主线、逻辑主题、价值取向、实现主体等相互联系、相互渗透的诸要素构成,它们互为条件、协同作用,不断推进中国特色社会主义理论体系形成和发展的历史进程。科学准确地把握中国特色社会主义理论体系形成和发展的内在机制与基本规律,对于在新的历史条件下坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系具有重要的现实意义。

关 键 词:中国特色社会主义理论体系  形成  发展  内在机制

On the Internal Mechanism of the Formation & Development of the Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics
Zhang Guohong. On the Internal Mechanism of the Formation & Development of the Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics[J]. Journal Of Jiangsu University(Social Science Edition), 2009, 11(3): 34-40
Authors:Zhang Guohong
Affiliation:Institute of Sinolization of Marxism;Zhejiang Vocational College of Commerce;Hangzhou 310053;China
Abstract:The internal mechanism of the formation and development of the socialist theory with Chinese characteristics consists of such inter-related and mutually-inclusive factors as theoretical premises,national reality,cultural genes,value orientation and practitioners of the theory.These inter-conditional factors work together to boost the formation and development of such a theory.To grasp the internal mechanism and the basic rules of the formation and development of socialist theory with Chinese characteristics...
Keywords:the socialist theory with Chinese characteristics  formation  development  internal mechanism  
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