《说文》鼓字释义辨析——兼言儒家经学对汉代学术的影响 |
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引用本文: | 雷紫翰. 《说文》鼓字释义辨析——兼言儒家经学对汉代学术的影响[J]. 兰州大学学报(社会科学版), 2000, 0(3) |
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作者姓名: | 雷紫翰 |
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作者单位: | 兰州大学历史系!甘肃兰州730000 |
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摘 要: | 自从《说文解字》对鼓字作出似是而非的解释以后 ,历代都有据此穿凿附会者。本文通过探讨 ,发现《说文》的作者是在明知鼓字本义与用法的情况下 ,附会儒经作出似是而非的解释的 ,其意在弘扬儒学的礼乐教化思想。而且 ,诸如此类的释例 ,在《说文》中屡见。儒家经学对汉代学术的影响之深 ,从此也可略见一斑
关 键 词: | 鼓 经学 礼乐教化 |
Differentiation and Analysis of Gu in Origin of Chinese Characters |
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Abstract: | WT5BZ]:Since the flexible explanation of the character Gu in Origin of Chinese Characters, there has been false analogy all the time. After deep study, the author of this paper finds that the compiler, with his knowledge of what Gu means, intentionally neglected it in order to make analogies in favor of Confucianism. He has discovered many such examples. And from here we can see the influence of the study of Confucian classics on the Han scholarly research. [WT5HZ] |
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Keywords: | WT5BZ]:Gu study of Confucian classics Confucian ethical code |
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