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引用本文:张兵. 清初关中遗民诗群的构成与王弘撰、李柏的诗歌创作[J]. 兰州大学学报(社会科学版), 2000, 0(3)
基金项目:甘肃省教委社科项目!981 - 0 60
摘    要:
清初关中遗民诗群主要由以王弘撰、孙枝蔚、李柏等人为代表的士人阶层和以青门七子及其子弟为代表的故明宗室成员构成。由于受地域文化 ,尤其是受世代相承的关学的影响 ,这个诗群创作中的理性化特征较为明显。与此相联系 ,诗中所体现的关中地区所独具的自然景象与人文精神 ,以及那种不以唐宋为门户 ,以朴实自然为旨归的作风 ,在清初遗民诗界、乃至整个清代诗坛均有其独具的价值

关 键 词:关中  遗民诗群  社会结构  创作特征

Formation of Surviving Poet Group in Guanzhong at the Beginning of Qing Dynasty and WANG Hong zhuan and LI Bai's Poetic Creation
WT5BZ]:The surviving poet group is composed of scholars represented by WANG Hong zhuan, SUN Zhi wei and LI Bai and the Ming royal members represented by the seven Blue Gate figures and their offspring. Influenced by regional culture, the group is clearly characterized by rationalization. Related with it are the unique natural scenery and humanistic spirit of the Guanzhong District and the simple and natural style different from the Tang and Song poems, which are of characteristic value in the surviving poetic circle and even the whole Qing poetic creation. [WT5HZ]
Keywords:WT5BZ]:Guanzhong  surviving poet group  social structure  creative features  
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