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引用本文:王佳. 政治漫画多模态隐喻和转喻的互动方式研究[J]. 北京科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2014, 30(6): 20-26
作者单位:重庆三峡学院 外语学院, 重庆 404000
摘    要:隐喻和转喻是人类的基本认知工具,是构建和识解多模态语篇的重要认知机制。政治漫画是多模态隐喻和转喻的重要语类。文章发现隐喻和转喻之间存在复杂的互动方式,二者既可以分别作用,也可以相互交织,在源域、靶域以及映射对应要素上发挥作用。隐喻多起到评价时事、表达主题、传递情感的作用,而转喻则是连接图片与现实的桥梁,表现出鲜明的语类特征。 

关 键 词:政治漫画   多模态隐喻   多模态转喻   互动方式

The Interaction of Multi-metaphor and Multi-metonymy in Political Cartoons
WANG Jia. The Interaction of Multi-metaphor and Multi-metonymy in Political Cartoons[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition), 2014, 30(6): 20-26
Authors:WANG Jia
Affiliation:College of Foreign Language, Chongqing Three Georges University, Chongqing 404000, China
Abstract:As the basic cognitive tools, metaphor and metonymy serve as the important constructive and interpretive mechanisms of muhimodal discourses. The political cartoon is an important genre of multi-metaphor and muhi-metonymy. This paper found that metaphor and metonymy display complex interaction. They may play the role independently or interact in the source domain, target domain or the mapping process. Metaphor mainly reveals the evaluative, expressive and emotive functions while metonymy functions as the bridge between the pictorial world and the real world, yielding distinct genre features.
Keywords:political cartoons  multi-metaphor  multi-metonymy  interaction modes
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