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引用本文:赖永海. 对“顿悟”、“体证”的哲学诠释[J]. 学术月刊, 2007, 0(9)
作者单位:南京大学哲学系 江苏南京210093
摘    要:中国佛教讲"顿悟成佛",儒家讲"体认天理",道家讲"与道合一",儒、释、道三家在修行理论上都注重"顿悟"、"体证"。造成这种现象的根本原因,是作为三家最后标的之"佛"、"天"、"道"多有相似相通之处,都是一个既无方所、无质碍而又恒常遍在,既无形无象而又可为"天地根"的"本体"、"大全"。"本体"的非实体性,导致常规的认识方法,诸如分析、推理、归纳、综合等,都很难完整、准确地认识和把握它;而"直观体证"则是人类在长期思维实践过程中,试图以一种突发、跳跃的方式去对"本体"进行直接确认和整体把握的思维方法。这种思维方法有一定的合理性,但由于缺乏严密的逻辑分析和科学论证,它认识或把握对象具有推测性,因而只是一种或然性思维,而非必然性思维。

关 键 词:顿悟  体证  思维方法

Philosophical Reflections on "Sudden Enlightenment" and "Meditation"
Lai Yonghai. Philosophical Reflections on "Sudden Enlightenment" and "Meditation"[J]. Academic Monthly, 2007, 0(9)
Authors:Lai Yonghai
Affiliation:Lai Yonghai
Abstract:"To attain buddhahood in the way of sudden enlightenment", "to understand the order of the Tian by meditation" and "to be a unity with Dao" are core ideas of Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism. Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism lay a common emphasis on enlightenment and meditation. The main reason is that the concepts of Buddha, Tian and Dao have something in common: They are eternal beings looked as "root of cosmos", "noumenon" and "the great whole" and have no define on their qualities, shapes, volumes and positions. The non-substantial nature of noumenon results the frangibility for common cognitional methods such as analysis, reasoning, induction and synthesis to grasp the essence of noumenon. sudden enlightenment and meditation are cognitional methods of intuition that are developed during the long term of human practice. They try to speculate the noumenon as a whole directly. These cognitional methods have their rationality but lack of strict logical analysis and scientific proof. The intuitional enlightenment and meditation are methods of cognitional surmise and it means that they are not methods of necessity but feasibility.
Keywords:sudden enlightenment   meditation   cognitional method  
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