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引用本文:周惠泉. 论辽代的契丹文文学[J]. 江苏大学学报(社会科学版), 2006, 8(2): 1-9
摘    要:契丹文文学在辽代的崛起与发展,是中华民族文化史上一个十分引人注目的文学现象。长城以北大草原上独特的自然地理、人文地理环境,造就了契丹人威武有加、健勇无比的民族精神,也孕育了契丹人质朴刚健、真率自然的文学艺术。而契丹民族与其他民族共同创造的包括契丹文文学在内的有辽一代文学,则给相激相融、互动互补的中华文化北雄南秀、异彩纷呈的历史格局注入了新的因子与新的活力,为辽、宋、金、元时期文学的转型提供了一个走势强劲的起点。

关 键 词:辽代  契丹文文学  契丹族  北方民族  多元一体

On the Kitai Literature of Liao Dynasty
ZHOU Hui-quan. On the Kitai Literature of Liao Dynasty[J]. Journal Of Jiangsu University(Social Science Edition), 2006, 8(2): 1-9
Authors:ZHOU Hui-quan
Abstract:The rise and development of the Kitai literature in Liao Dynasty was a kind of conspicuous phenomenon in Chinese cultural history.The distinctive natural geography and human environment of the grasslands to the north of the Great Wall not only cultivated the strong and brave temperament of the Kitai people,but gave birth to the plain,vigorous,sincere and natural Kitai literature.The Liao literature,including the Kitai literature,was created by Kitai and other nationalities together and gave the historical pattern of Chinese culture,characterized by grandness in the north and beautifulness in the south,new factors and vigor, and provided a new starting point for the transformation of Liao,Song,Jin,and Yuan literatures.
Keywords:Liao Dynasty  the Kitai literature  Kitai nationalities  northern nationaliites  pluralism
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