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引用本文:张传泉. 城乡一体化背景下农民市民化路径探析[J]. 华中农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2014, 33(5): 98-103
作者单位:北京大学 马克思主义学院,北京 100871
摘    要:农民市民化是指我国城乡一体化进程中借助于工业化的推动,农民由农村向城市转移并逐渐变为市民的一种过程。城乡一体化是农民市民化的前奏,农民市民化是城乡一体化的目标。由于城市化总体水平和质量不高、历史上形成且现在仍旧具有羁绊作用的制度、不公平的城市劳动力市场、较高的城市生活成本、城乡隔阂的社会观念和农民自身的素质缺陷等制约因素,致使我国农民市民化面临许多困难。因此,要培育和发展农民市民化的有效载体,改革落后制度,建立劳动力市场机制,完善组织管理,统一观念认知,增强农民综合素质,积极推进农民市民化进程。

关 键 词:城乡一体化  二元结构  农民市民化  城市化  农村转移人口

Exploration into the Way for Citizenization of Farmers under the Background of Integration of Urban and Rural Areas
ZHANG Chuan-quan. Exploration into the Way for Citizenization of Farmers under the Background of Integration of Urban and Rural Areas[J]. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition), 2014, 33(5): 98-103
Authors:ZHANG Chuan-quan
Affiliation:ZHANG Chuan-quan (School of Marxism, Peking University ,Beijing , 100871)
Abstract:The citizenization of farmers is a process wherein, driven by means of industrialization, farmers move from the rural to the urban areas and become city residents in China' s urbanization. Ur- banization is the prelude to the citizenization of farmers and the latter is the destination of the former. This process is faced with many difficulties, including the low level of urbanization, the dominant status of city residents who look down at farmers, decision makers in favor of city residents, institutions and regulations formed in the past which discriminate against farmers, the bias of decision making of local governments, a urban labor market which is saturated and discriminatory against farmers, the higher cost of living in the city and the lower making of farmers. We should promote economic development; cancel backward system; strengthen the labor market mechanism; improve relevant organization and regula- tions; enhance the awareness of the importance of citizenization of farmers and improve the overall quali- ty of the farmers in order to promote the citizenization of farmers.
Keywords:integration of urban and rural areas   dualism   citizenization of farmers   urbanization   transferring rural population
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